Our focus is on ensuring the highest level of digital security. We are defined by our dedication, discretion and commitment to customer satisfaction.

Together, we are committed to establish a secure digital environment for your business! We strive for outstanding results in meeting all clients needs, even under tight deadlines, by leveraging cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions.

Our experts are among the best in Switzerland in the field of IT security and IT forensics.

Our Experts

The majority of our team consists of certified IT security experts and IT forensics specialists, all working in a secure and professional laboratory.

Lionel Bloch

Lionel Bloch

Founder & Managing Partner

What drives me - in addition to my enthusiasm for IT forensics - is the vision of a sustainably secured digital world.
Colin Jörg

Colin Jörg

Partner | IT Forensics

I appreciate the challenges arising from researching and detecting cyber crime, and I enjoy adopting new techniques and tools to expand my expertise.
Adrian Bichsel

Adrian Bichsel

Partner | OSINT

Most daily decisions in professional and private life depend on our ability to promptly identify the relevant information for decision-making from today's information overload. Meeting this challenge every day is an opportunity to delve into the world of data and use it to drive positive outcomes for businesses and the people they serve.
Mona Fahmy

Mona Fahmy

Partner | OSINT

Getting to the bottom of things is my passion. Open-source intelligence is the game changer par excellence. It is both exciting and rewarding to find out the most pertinent information for our customers, even in complex cases.
Sven Millischer

Sven Millischer

Partner | OSINT

I am constantly fascinated by the opportunity to gain surprising insights and relevant assessments for our customers through the intelligent processing and analysis of public sources.
Adi Schiffer

Adi Schiffer

Partner | OSINT

By creating empathy and awareness, I strive to support the creation of methods that empower individuals and companies while safeguarding their real and digital assets.
Jürg Hürlimann

Jürg Hürlimann

Manager | IT Forensics

Not only knowledge but also imagination is required to solve complex problems and optimally meet customer wishes.
Andriu Isenring

Andriu Isenring

Manager | IT Security

I consider it an ethical responsibility to protect privacy and the integrity of data and to prevent it’s misuse. In addition, I like the challenge of continuous learning in order to keep up with the latest security trends and develop effective countermeasures.

Our Advisory Board

Our advisory board, featuring experts from different fields, provides strategic and technical support to Forentec.

Suzanne Dvořák

Suzanne Dvořák

Advisory Board

Very few people are aware of the enormous disruptive potential of cyber insecurity, although the risk is very real for everyone. That's where we start!
Urban Lederer

Urban Lederer

Advisory Board

I am pleased to play an active role as a member of the advisory board in shaping the strategic development of Forentec and the expansion of the area of cyber resilience. In doing so, we are taking a long-standing partnership in the field of technology to the next level.

Our Press

We are happy to answer questions from the media on all aspects of IT security and IT forensics. The following press collection provides an insight into our media activities.